fire fighting and facilities management systems

Safety and sustainability

This attention is what we expect from our partners

About us:
Dar Alhmaya for Safety Devices Company was established in Makkah in 1433 AH as an organization specialized in the supply, installation and maintenance of security and safety systems. It has developed and expanded its activities and business and obtained an A rating and provided its services throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The company has implemented many governmental and private projects in various sectors and throughout the Kingdom.
We would like to emphasize that through our experiences and experiences, we are always ready to implement everything that is required of us to do with the highest quality and competitive prices and we accomplish the work according to the plans prepared by the cumulative experiences of trained and qualified engineers and technicians.
We were able to gain their trust and satisfaction and fulfill all commitments with them, which is a constant challenge for us to continue to excel and always have the good faith of our customers.
Dar Alhmaya for Safety Devices Company
We aim to dedicate and promote all efforts to advance the field of security and safety and provide a safe environment from risks, so we have expanded our activities to include the following areas

Our mission
To be the first choice in providing everything related to the supply, installation and maintenance of security and safety systems, so we work together as a team within a system to fulfill our commitments to our customers and provide solutions and options with a full range of products and services.

Safety and Sustainability
Work activities
Since its inception, the organization has expanded its activities to include multiple activities and has implemented many projects related to the supply, installation, maintenance and operation of early warning and firefighting systems as well as the supply and installation of heat-resistant insulation materials in the following areas
- BuildingsHotels, Towers and Schools
- Government facilitiesof various types
- Medical citiesHospitals and medical centers
- SchoolsGovernment and Private Sector
- Business activitiesMarkets and factories
- WarehousesStores and Warehouses

Hani Al-Ghashmari - Chairman of the Board
Thank you for trusting us
There is no doubt that a tree grows with a seed, and with more attention, effort and giving, it becomes a tree. We started with great goals and ambitions and pledged to achieve these goals. The first step was to create an environment within the organization to reflect on the performance and the level of customer satisfaction.
This can only happen through cooperation, solidarity and the spirit of teamwork, which we are proud of and support and through which we aspire to achieve the highest degrees of quality, and we are looking forward to improving our performance and finding the best, not only to expand locally and regionally.
It is looking for globalization at all levels of systems, management and deployment.
We believe it is our core values and principles that have set us apart and contributed to our success.

The importance of early warning and firefighting systems

These systems are essential to protect lives and personal safety.
When the early warning signal sounds, people near the fire area are alerted to the potential danger.
which gives them the opportunity to escape and stay safe.
Thanks to early warning and firefighting systems.
fire can be detected in its early stages and dealt with immediately.
preventing the spread of fire and minimizing material losses.
investing in these systems saves a lot of money in the long run
Early warning and firefighting systems offer advanced technologies and equipment.
such as sensors, alarms, and automatic sprinklers.
Thanks to these technologies
any unusual sign of fire is detected and analyzed.
allowing for a quick and effective response.

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